Monday, 26 June 2017

So much doing and so little time

Its been a while since i blogged last. I feel that so much has been going on. I will try and fill you in.

I painted a 2 sided mural for my kiddos school on a gazebo. I thought that it wasn't going to be a big job but it was in fact a massive job and quite tiring. It took me 3 days to do the parent side and 1 day to do the reception kids side.

This is the parents side. I was given 90 flowers designed by the kids in class and asked to paint flowers on the board. I chose as many as i could. I think about 30 in the end. If i had chosen anymore i would have been painting for weeks. The sun is our school logo which i painted in gold. If you look really closely you can see my sausage dog 'Jedi' running on the hill away from the rain.

The other side -
They asked me to do a theatre scene. So i painted chalk paint and curtains so that the children could draw their own designs. This space is used for dressing up so i think it works really well.

I have been super busy in the studio and have in recent weeks gone back to screen printing. But this time on paper.
Heres one -
 Rocky shores

I borrowed a photograph from a friends instagram. As i looked at it, it reminded me that life has quite a few rocks in it. Things aren't always smooth running and it can be hard to walk in hard time. 
God is the calm sea in the distance. He is reachable. And if we wait then the tide comes in and we can float and not tread on the rocks. In other words. Lean on God always and the hard stuff, doesn't seem as hard. 

I also did a new drypoint etching - 

You have a new Roar

Your new roar is not a loud and over bearing roar but its a quite and controlled and powerful roar. 
This print has a real gold leaf crown. 

Both prints can now be found in my Etsy shop 

I am busy organising kids clubs that run over august within my church. There are 5 clubs that are for free. It is a big job but it is coming together  nicely. 

I had a meeting the other day with a lady from a church in the centre of my town. I am now in the process of organising at Art Festival that will be in November. So lots of lovely Christians are coming together to sell their wares in time for Christmas. 
This is one of my God dreams. To gather Christian artists together. What a powerful thing this is going to be. 
Selling prophetic art in time for Christ - mas. 

Thats it for now. Im back in the studio tomorrow printing a new print that i have been sketching on mark resist ready for printing. I am really excited about this one. 

God bless 

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