Saturday, 26 October 2013

Scary Stuff

As a Christian I was brought up knowing that Halloween was something that we did not celebrate.
I never found it difficult not too. It really wasn't a bit thing when I was small.
As a early teenager I remember locking the door and my parents telling me not to open it unless it was them.
I also remember one time, a member of our church went to a Halloween party and he was very frowned upon.

This is why I hate Halloween -
  • Dressing up hides the fact that you are celebrating a ungodly event
  • Why would you want to be scared?
  • Trick or treat's in this country
Let me address these.

Children are encouraged to dress up, as its fun, to support the greater evil.
Ok, ok, don't get me wrong. I love fancy dress. I hear so often "what's the harm", "its only a bit of fun".
I am no killjoy but I just don't believe in a night celebrating death and destruction. Everything is harmless once.
Why would I want my children dressing up in scary stuff. They are children. I do not allow them to watch scary movies.
As a Christian I am careful what I feed into their heads. I am very away, from personal experience, what seeing a bit of a scary movie can do.
My daughter is particularly sensitive. And in no way do I want to put them in a position where either of them are effected by seeing something scary.

Why is 'being scared' fun?
Is It the adrenalin?. I don't know. I hate being scared. I don't know why you would want to put your young children in a position where they 'fear'.
Aren't we as parents supposed to protect our children.
Doesn't God protect his children. Yes.
There is no fear in Christ and therefore we should stand firm and not be afraid.
Putting yourself, or your child in a position when potentially they could be afraid is a big no no.

Now I come to the 'trick or treat'
And this is entirely my own opinion but teenagers take trick and treating to the extreme.
Last year, I didn't open my door but I managed to have egg and flour caked on my windows and door.
They didn't even ring the bell.
It seems to me that they take this night as an opportunity to reek havoc.
I have seen some teenagers with tights on their heads dressed up as bank robbers, or muggers. How is this supposed to make someone feel when they are walking home from work......... terrified that's what.
This night is the one night that they feel that they can pretty much get away with stuff and scare as many people as possible....... as its funny.

I am tired of feeling that I can not leave my house on this particular night every year, just in case.
I am tired of people taking advantage of this night and vulnerable people, just to get there kicks.
The sooner this month is over the better as far as I am concerned.

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