Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Relationships can be like old bangers

Last night I had a picture from God.
It was of an old car. A vintage car.
It was well looked after even though it had a bit of rust underneath.
The owner polished the car, pumped up the tyres regularly and kept it tip top condition driving it carefully and never went over the speed limit.
I then had a picture of a modern car. It hardly got a cleaned unless having an MOT. It was driven fast and had fast food wrappers inside the car.
God told me that men need to look there wives as if she was an old vintage banger of a car. And not like a modern, speedy car.
God showed me that even though the vintage car was older and had a bit of rust. It was loved and cared for despite its faults.
And because the new car, was known for being reliable and speedy. The owner didn't bother paying much attention to it.
You see women need attention. Women crave the safety and attention from there husbands.
And yes we have faults. We are not perfect. But it is the job of the husbands to love us first.

Before I had this picture I listened to Sundays sermon from my church about relationships.
It explained that we need to treat our men like heroes as they want to be heroes.
But they need to love their wives 1st.

So, loving.
Let me tell you what loving is not.
Loving is not just saying you love her.
Loving is showing that you love her, not just by your actions but by your words.
Let me explain.

If my husband says - love you, as he is leaving the house. I don't particularly feel loved by that. It is more of a goodbye than a statement of love.
If my husband says - you are a really good Mummy or you have done a really lovely job of making this house a home.
Now that is where the love is.
Love is in the appreciation.
Women need to feel appreciated.
Women are natural nurturer's.When we are feeling appreciated, we feel love.
When we know and feel like we are doing a good job as being a wife then we feel loved.
For women the statement - All you need is Love. Really is applicable.

Let me get one thing straight here. There is not just the two of you in this relationship!

Though one may be overpowered,
two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

Ecclesiastes 4:12

If a women is not feeling loved and the man not feeling a hero then your relationship needs attention!
Jesus needs putting right back in the centre of it.


Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Released to School

Just one last night time snuggle until the morning and my J heads off to his first day at school.
I'm a bag of mixed emotions.
Part of me is exhausted from the longest summer holidays ever. Constant jibbing and bickering between my kiddos has nearly tipped me over the edge.
A lovely holiday where my daughter never seemed happy.
And my son, turned from my baby into a little boy who was ready for a new, big adventure.
And then there is the other part of me. The part that is loosing my little play buddy. My shadow.
My constant thigh snuggler.
He is so full of love that everyday he stops to say "Mummy, you look beautiful today".  And tell me that he loves me over 20 times a day.
My little boy who messes around in the bathroom, rips pieces of wallpaper off his wall, breaks toys just to see how they would work and shoves the last big piece of food in his mouth not because he wants it but because he needs to clear his plate before pudding.

At this time I have to remind myself that children are a gift from God. I have been entrusted with 2 amazing gifts.
This time. Time for school. Is important.
He is going to be spreading his wings and soaking up knowledge.
If I kept him locked away unable to spread his wings then I would be doing him harm.

 “Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done.”
Luke 22:42

By letting my son stretch his wings I am also saying to Jesus - not my will in my sons life..... But your will God.
I want my Son to grow to be a strong man of God. And to grow, he needs to be released.
As hard as it is for me to loose my little shadow. I release him as I know that the rewards on his life will be huge.
I am not loosing out. I am gaining.

So tomorrow, I will wave him off at the gate, get to the car and have a cry. Not because I miss him already. But because I am proud to call him my son and thankful to God for entrusting me with this precious gift.

Sunday, 7 September 2014


When my sister and I were little girls we used to grab our duvets, put them around our waists and secure them with belts.
We used to pretend we were very important princesses and strut up and down our bedroom swishing our heavy skirts from side to side, doing lots of twirling.
Looking back it must have been quite a funny sight. But to us, our imaginations carried us away to far off lands with castles and princes with glorious music and dancing. There always has to be dancing!

Girls, even young girls are always looking for acceptance. They want to be the apple of their Daddy's eye.
It is important to feel loved, accepted by your own Dad but that is not always the case.
Society lets us down a lot.
We are made to feel not accepted, we cant fit in. we are not pretty enough, thin enough, our nose too big, too wide, too fat. Our hair too straight, curly, not the right colour.
We don't speak how we should, laugh the right way. We can be too serious, not serious enough.
It can all get a little too much to live up to the expectations of other people.
But in reality we only live to an audience of ONE. The ONE.
And he loves you just the way you are. Spots, freckles, colour, race and body shape. You are his.
Your belong to him and he belongs to you.
He created you just the way you are because that is how he choose you to be.
And because he is the King of Kings that makes every girl, woman, Lady........ a princess.
A twirling, singing, dancing, apple of God's eye, PRINCESS.

Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear— but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious.

1 Peter 3:3-4

I have this verse written on my daughters wall. She is very beautiful but I want her to be constantly reminded that her beauty comes from within and it shines on the outside. Her beauty and value does not depend on what she wears or what she looks like. He value and worth come from God.
As she grows and put Jesus in the centre of her life she will live as a Princess.

I want to encourage all Women who are feeling discouraged, put down and ugly.
Do not conform to what society tells you. Look to God. You are his daughter and perfect.

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Child Like

And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 18:3

When I was little there was a park just down the road from where I lived.
It was a cut through park. A park to get from A to B.
It was an escape park if we had nothing to do. It was not very exciting as parks go as it consisted of one old wooden round about and 2 swings.
The round about got taken away after a few years after many an injury. Me being one that was injured. I fell off it and got my head stuck underneath. I had to have a few stitches.

The 2 swings were the ultimate challenge for my sister and I.
We were determined to swing and swing until the swing went all the way over.
Apparently this had been done before.
We stood up on the swings and kept thrusting our bodies back and forth higher and higher without fear.
The swing used to jerk and thrash about unstably and unreliable yet we had no fear.

Currently I am at the park. My two children keep coming to me every so often telling me they bonked their head or fell over and after a quick rub and a magic kiss they skip off with glee.
I over heard one mother telling her child - watch out for the swings. You could fall over and crack your head open.
But I'm willing to bet that she used to swing so high she nearly went over the bars.

God tells us to be childlike.
Come to me as a child.
Surely he is telling us with out fear.
Swing so high that you might go over the bars and don't think about what next.
Just try with all your might.
When did some of us get so protecting over our own children that we warn them overly of the dangers of trying to accomplish the simple pleasure of a challenge on a swing!