Tuesday, 18 February 2014

It's Party time its Party time its PPPPPPPP Party time!

Two weeks after my birthday it was my party and this is how it went -

4 chocolate fountains. 1 with strawberry chocolate, orange chocolate, milk chocolate and nacho cheese.
1 bucket full of white marshmallows
1 bucket full of pink marshmallows
1 bucket full of jelly babies
1 bucket full of pretzels
1 massive toy bucket full of nachos
1 bowl of salsa
2 long table full of retro sweets
150 cheese straws
All my buckets had movie quotes written on them

A smoke machine
Around 300 balloons
Light up balloons on the floor
Silver stars sprinkled on the floor
Red helium balloons floating around the room
Red heart balloons on sticks
Massive balloons on top of wrapping paper tubes to make lolly pops.
Fairy lights
Willy Wonka decorations

1 awesome cake called a bling bling cake
1 awesome band consisting on 5 amazing friends that I put together and practised and were amazing.
2 play lists that I put together with banging tunes.

Boys bathroom
Covered in balloons
Cherry smelling jelly belly air freshener
A quote from 'The good, the bad and the ugly' written on the mirror with red lipstick.
Moustache's given out
Purple toilet paper.

Girls bathroom
Old fashioned toilet roll dolly's in both toilets
purple toilet paper
You are beautiful a verse from song of songs written on the mirror with lipstick. 4:7
A quote from 'Alice in wonderland' written on card in silver pen about a key and silver key charms given out.
Bubble gum air freshner

A photo booth and photos professionally taken by my brother (amazing)
A game section with my old N64 plugged in and Mario Kart playing
All my amazing family and friends, who are, my family.

1 fabulous dress
2 pairs of fabulous Vivienne Westwood shoes.

1 very spoilt and happy girl.


Birthday, Champagne and Lou Lous.

Ever spent so long prepping and cooking a meal that you were really looking forward to trying only to sit down and not enjoy it?
Spent ages planning and organising the perfect date only to look back and wonder if it was just a dream as it was over in a flash?

That's kinda how I feel about my party.
First of all I have to say that I am currently in a very hot bath, typing this on my iPhone in my notes.
I have the worst cold, poorly thing known to man which is attacking every part of my worn out body.
My head hurts and I am feeling rather sorry for myself on this party come down!

So I had a party!
My first ever party as an adult!
My last party kinda thing was roughly when I was 10. I wouldn't really call it a party.
I was allowed to invite one friend out to the cinema and for a knickerblockaglory!
I invited my friend Caroline.
She bought me a cuddly smurf that year!

After that I had several bad birthdays. In fact pretty much every year.
I shan't go into details. No naming and shaming. But I don't remember a birthday without crying.

Things got better after I married.
G knew I had previously suffered with my birthday and he made every effort to make them good.
yay for awesome husbands.

This year was a big birthday.
I was dreading it, I'm not gonna lie.
I don't look my age which is a blessing.
And I kinda figure having children aged 6 and 4 keep me young!
But I was hitting the big 4...... Ohhhh!

For my actually birthday we were going to go to Rome. It is somewhere I have always wanted to go and I just didn't want to be in the country when I hit 'that age'.
circumstances changed as we finally bought our dream house (more on that in another post. This is my birthday post) so this Is what did happen =

G booked a hotel in Mayfair London.
It was a beautiful room. I was ready to chillax.
When we got there we got into our bathrobes and ordered room service.
I had, probably the best chicken burger I had ever eaten with Parmesan and truffle fries.
After dinner we got ready to go out.
I donned my party dress and my faithful Christian Louboutins. 
G has booked us amazing tickets for the west end show of Charlie and the chocolate factory.
When we arrived we got a brochure and went to order drinks.
I said I would have a glass of Champers in the half time break. G came back and said that he ordered a bottle as when you get a bottle you get a table too.
I wasn't sure how I was going to down half a bottle of Champagne at half time. But I would give it a go.
I also got bought a Wonka bar.
The first half was fantastic. Probably the best show I have ever seen, and I have seen a lot.
We sat down and drank our Champagne but I just couldn't down it. So we got plastic cups to take into the second half.
After the show we got a black cab back to the hotel and went for cocktails. I ordered my favourite margarita.
It was the worst margarita I have ever had.
Obviously, as I used to work on a cocktail bar I know my cocktails.
I am not sure the wee nipper snapper know how to make a good cocktail as he made a few mistakes along the way and just topped up the glass.
I left my drink and went up to our room which had been turned down. It had rose petals on the bed with a bath bomb, a red rose and a bottle of Champagne that was chilling on a table.
Well as much as I wanted some more Champers I knew that if I didn't eat anything then I would pass out so we ordered a cheese and pickle sandwich.
We crashed out just after midnight after opening all my cards and my gawjus bracelet from my husband.

In the morning I had breakfast in bed which I chose the night before. Eggs Royal, a bowl of fruit, oj, and tea. Then a long hot soak with a glass of champagne.

We got dressed and headed into town for a spot of shopping along Oxford street.
Ed's diner for lunch when I did the rookie mistake and drank half my malt milkshake before my food arrived!

We headed home at 4 and picked up the kiddies only to discover that my boy J got my sister up at 5.30 by shouting COCKADOOLEDOOOOOO.

Love my kiddo's.